Cinema program "Love at First Fight" in Kraków
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Runtime: 98 min.
Production: Francja , 2014
Category: comedy / romance
Release Date: 12 June 2015
Distribution: Against Gravity
Directed by: Thomas Cailley
Cast: Adele Haenel, Kevin Azais, Antoine Laurent
Summer seemed to be for teenage Arnaud as usual: without sensationalism and special entertainment. She was waiting for him, working in the family business and meeting friends. Then, by chance, he met Madeleine: beautiful, athletic, but rough and hard to get a teenager. She had muscles hard as concrete and prophetic visions of the impending social and environmental disaster. He fell in love with her without memory, and she was getting ready for the adventure of a lifetime: the military-survival camp, which was to be the first step to join the army. Arnaud decided to accompany her, even though it required considerable sacrifices from him. The common struggle for survival approached them to each other, but dark visions of Madeleine suddenly began to be realized and they were in danger. Will they manage to save the emerging between them love at first bite?