
Fahrenheit 11/9

Directed by: Michael Moore

Cinema program "Fahrenheit 11/9" in Kraków

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Movie poster Fahrenheit 11/9
Original title: Fahrenheit 11/9
Runtime: 128 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: documentary
Release Date: 30 November 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Michael Moore
Cast: Roger Ailes, Brooke Baldwin, Ashleigh Banfield

Shocking and brutally funny truth about the President of the United States - Donald Trump, contemporary America and the influence of its policies on the fate of the whole world. This film is an extremely important voice that can decide on the results of the autumn elections to Congress in 2018 and the presidential campaign in 2020. "Fahrenheit 11.9" is a new masterpiece of controversy and cut humor that will not stop at anything to touch the deepest secrets hidden. The film was directed by Michael Moore - awarded Oscar ("Zabawy z weapons") and the Golden Palm in Cannes ("Fahrenheit 9.11") the bravest creator of the contemporary documentary. This is a must for all those who value distance, but it does not matter to them in which direction our civilization is heading.

How did Donald Trump, a millionaire and one of the most influential people in the US, become president? Will it be able to stop him from winning the next election? What influence do the decisions made in the White House have on America and the fate of the entire world? It's time to look behind the scenes of the power of the number one power. The unforgivable mistakes that Barack Obama made, a new generation of leaders who are preparing to take power in the US and the threats that await Western civilization - this is just the tip of the iceberg of topics covered in the latest film by Michael Moore. There will be scandals, secrets, uncomfortable facts and ... a great dose of disarming humor. The decisive moments of the elections in 2018 and 2020 are coming soon, the atmosphere is heated up to red, and every vote cast is worth its weight in gold. Their result will decide not only about the fate of America, but also the whole world. Forget about the "American dream" - welcome to the "American nightmare"!

"One of the best and funniest films of Michael Moore"

Rolling Stone

"Filmed with passion, cunning and twisted sense of humor"

Hollywood Reporter

"Extremely engaging and exciting"

Paste Magazine

"He was born to make this film"

Seven Days

Average rate: 5.0
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IMDb© rate: Fahrenheit 11/9 on IMDb

Movie trailer: Fahrenheit 11/9

Your comments

Jasio 11. December 2018, 14:48

Znam znacznie ciekawszy film o podobnym tytule - ukazujący inne spojrzenie na ataki z 11 września. Wystarczy poszperać w sieci "Fahrenheit 9 11".

Janwal 7. December 2018, 19:12

Ten dokumentalny film ogląda się jak fabularny. Wciągający i interesujący.Treść to dobór politycznych faktów skrajnie antyrepublikańskich.

chwast 5. December 2018, 11:08

o lichości umysłowej i moralnej wszelkiej władzy, po wyjściu chce się palić samochody

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