
The Penitent Thief

Directed by: Lucas Miles

Cinema program "The Penitent Thief" in Kraków

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Original title: The Penitent Thief
Production: USA , 2020
Release Date: 19 March 2021
Distribution: Rafael

Directed by: Lucas Miles
Cast: Kevin Sorbo, James Russo, Jay Giannone

Who was the man to whom Jesus promised on the cross: "Today you will be with me in Paradise"? Ordinary wretch who has wasted his life? The chosen one who was… lucky to be crucified next to the Savior? A witness to posterity of God's great mercy who saves sinners even in the last moments of life? Unaware of the importance of events as a tool of evangelization? The character and the evangelical episode about the Good Rogue continues to fascinate theologians and the faithful. One thing is for sure. The Good Rogue, whom tradition has named Dyzma, did not find himself in the center of the most important events in the history of mankind by accident. What was God's purpose in leading the end of Dyzma's earthly life to the exact same place where he died on the cross of Jesus?

"The Good Rogue" is an epic story that begins with the journey of the Three Wise Men and their accidental meeting with a young Dyzma at the Bethlehem manger. In his life, full of dramatic turns, Dyzma will meet Jesus and the characters known from the Gospel pages more than once. Including the second Rogue. Together with him, they will try to surpass their destiny on the road that will inevitably go to Golgotha. They will soon find that there is no escaping the terrible end. But is it really terrible for both?

"The Good Rogue" provokes very personal thoughts not only about faith, but also about human nature. It's a beautiful and valuable film for… sinners. So for everyone.

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