Cinema program "God's Not Dead 2" in Kraków
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"God's Not Dead 2"
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Runtime: 121 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: drama
Release Date: 8 April 2016
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Harold Cronk
Cast: Jesse Metcalfe, David A.R. White, Ray Wise
Is matters of faith can settle before the court?
Fascinating story about the attempt to answer the most important questions only with the legal arguments.
The second part of the film, which touched the hearts and conscience of more than 140,000 Polish viewers.
Is the believer can or even should hide their faith in the face of unbelievers? Do you believe someone may offend or harm young minds? Such questions must be answered before a court teacher of high school, he was accused of, she broke rule of secular state institutions, while the lessons of history mentioned the activity of Jesus. Judicial dispute, which was to be a lesson in humility for believers turns into an unusual dispute about freedom of conscience, the existence of God and the need to search for life more than material possessions.

Movie trailer: God's Not Dead 2
Your comments
Qba obys nie musial prosic Naszego Boga o nic bo podobno nie wierzysz w NIEGO HAHAHA pozyjemy zobaczymy
Świetny film. Godny polecenia.
Qba...prawda boli
Słaby kawałek propagandowy, podobnie jak część pierwsza. Niby ma inspirować ludzi religijnych, a zarówno im, jak i ateistom dorabia gębę. Jak zwykle najbardziej prześladowani w chrześcijańskiej Ameryce mają być chrześcijanie...
Dobry film, w podwójnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Polecam